GLIF, a Filecoin ecosystem company, created the first Filecoin wallet, key staking protocol, and essential apps. Since pre-Mainnet, they've developed critical tools like the initial Filecoin multisig wallet and Notary service, operated public/private Filecoin nodes, and secured substantial grant funding. Now focusing on GLIF Pools - Filecoin's premier DeFi protocol.
GLIF Points have been introduced. GLIF Points represent the protocol's first steps towards decentralizing protocol decision making, and serve as a new incentive mechanism to reward the community.
If you're a Storage Provider that rented FIL from GLIF, or a Liquidity Provider that has held iFIL, you have points! Points are rewarded to both historical and future SPs and LPs.
SP Points are allocated to Agents based on the amount of rental fees paid as a portion of the total rental fees paid over the historical point time period. Each Agent earns a portion of the 25,000,000 points based on its pro-rata share of the total fees paid to the pool.
LP Points are allocated with respect to the following criteria:
All else equal, an LP who acquired iFIL earlier and held for a longer duration will receive more points.
If you want to read more about points, read their latest blog post.