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Avarik Saga


Last Update
August 21, 2024
Avarik Saga
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Avarik Saga is amulti-player Japanese RPG (JRPG) game set in the Avarus Continent. It is builton the Ethereum blockchain and features a collection of 8,888 generative NFTpersonas, including Knights, Archers, and Wizards. These characters are createdfrom over 300 uniquely hand-drawn traits and are divided into four clashingfactions: Ignis, Terra, Glacia, and Tenebris. The game's lore revolves around alegend that a hero will emerge to lead their faction to victory and end theongoing wars between these factions.

Avarik Saga offers arich JRPG experience with a focus on strategic gameplay and characterdevelopment. Players can engage in various in-game activities, quests, andbattles, aiming to lead their faction to triumph.

The Avarik Saga airdrop campaign has officially begun, starting with the "Dice Adventure".


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Complete challenges, social tasks, daily logins and game quests to earn "Dice".

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